
Profile picture for user Joseph

New upload of 'The Celestial Heart' on youtube!

Hello everyone

Just a quick update here to let you know we have a new upload of our Doctor Who film: 'The Celestial Heart' available on youtube. As you can see, the video is embedded on the front page of our website, replacing the vimeo upload (which can still be accessed from the videos page and the side panel). Alternatively you can also watch via this link:

Profile picture for user Richard


Hi guys

Post Production on The Letter is coming on well. The grade looks superb and we are just waiting for the sound to be done (that will happen once the producer/director gets his act together!) can't wait for this to be finished, and to have some good creative work to show.

In the mean time, have a look at a recent animation I did for a local kids club - why not?

Profile picture for user Richard

Rough cut finished

Yesterday I finished the rough cut for 'The Letter' I'm getting some constructive feedback from various people, before I hand it over for a sound mix and a grade. How Exciting :)

Profile picture for user Richard

Work on the timeline

Hello again.

I'm really excited about how the edit for our new short film - 'The Letter' is progressing. Really great to actually have been doing something creative again. I hope to have the cut finished by the end of the week, then we can begin work on the sound and the grade - after that It's the final render and you get to see it!

What fun:)

Profile picture for user Richard

What on Earth is going on?

Hi guys

Sorry for the radio silence recently!

We've been busy in the quiet and will have a brand new short film to show you all very soon and plans are afoot for a new Doctor Who fan film, looking forward to telling you more soon!

Profile picture for user Joseph

Technical stuff

Unfortunately we've had some Technical issues in regard to the youtube upload of The Celestial Heart, which is why it hasn't materialised as of yet. There are two possible causes of the problem, one would be very simple to fix but the other would be more time consuming. Fortunately its looks like its the former, in which case it will be resolved very soon.

Profile picture for user Joseph

Behind the scenes

Its been quite a while since our last update, so I thought I better let you know that we are all still here. Though there hasn't been anything new posted here, we have been working on things behind the scenes and hope to have some news to tell you soon.

We also expect to have 'The Celestial Heart' uploaded to youtube very soon. This new upload will be higher quality than the existing Vimeo upload and will also fix some minor errors.

More soon.

Profile picture for user Richard


So to continuing the theme of new Sonic Cam work, I'd like to show you a little taster. We mentioned we would be doing a 3d short - well here is the teaser poster:) Click on the link below this post - or check out the image in the new Hoppers gallery

Bouncing soon.....

Profile picture for user Joseph

Film collaboration

Hey everyone

On Saturday I took part in a skype conference with a number of other film makers about a future film collaboration that is currently being planned. Some very interesting ideas were discussed and if it all comes together this could be a very exciting project! 

I can't really say any more at the moment, other than its Doctor Who related. But we will keep you updated as things progress.

Profile picture for user Richard

Sonic Cam - the future....


Sorry for the lack of updates, both Joe and myself have been pretty busy recently and have not had time to update the site as we would wish.

so, we have a few interesting and ever so slightly exciting ideas in the pipeline at the moment, including a couple of animations and a live action short. Don't want to say too much at the moment in case of over hyping things.

More exciting news to come in the near future!